Specify units when creating ScopeSIM dictionaries
No units are specified when interacting with ScopeSIM. E.g. this is the dictionary for the DetectorArray:
{'alias': 'DET',
'class': 'DetectorArray',
'description': 'A detector array.',
'effects': [{'class': 'DetectorList',
'description': 'A single Detector.',
'kwargs': {'array_dict': OrderedDict([('id', ['']),
('angle', [0.0]),
('gain', [1.0]),
('pixsize', [0.015]),
('x_cen', [0.0]),
('y_cen', [0.0]),
('xhw', [0.24]),
('yhw', [0.24]),
('filename', ['']),
('globalname', [''])])},
'name': 'detector_array_list'},
{'class': 'DarkCurrent',
'description': 'Dark Current.',
'kwargs': {'value': 10000.0},
'name': 'dark_current'},
{'class': 'ShotNoise',
'description': 'Poisson Noise.',
'kwargs': {'state': True},
'name': 'shot_noise'},
{'class': 'SummedExposure',
'description': 'Summing up sky signal for all DITs and NDITs.',
'kwargs': {'state': 0},
'name': 'exposure_action'}
Units are necessary, see https://gitlab.astro-wise.org/micado/micadowise/-/jobs/20146 and https://github.com/astronomyk/ScopeSim/pull/37 The units are already defined in the DIDs, so should be easy.